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ExtJS 4 with Spring MVC Example


When developing a brand new application for the company I work for, one of the first thing I implement is "authentication". Not only is this process generally a prerequisite to access many other functions but it is also very simple and covers every layer of an application, from GUI to the database.
So instead of another minimalistic "Hello World" tutorial, here is a "Login/Password" example, using 2 famous technologies : Spring MVC and ExtJS 4.  


Because this tutorial is quite long, I won't go into the details of each technology I used but I will mainly focus on how ExtJS and Spring can be nicely used together. So here are the things you should know before continuing :
  • Spring framework (good knowledge)
  • Spring MVC (basic knowledge. See Spring MVC Official Documentation for details)
  • ExtJS "application architecture" (see Sencha Docs for details)
  • Eclipse IDE + Tomcat 6 (or any other web container)
You already know that ? Good, so let's move on to the tutorial.


Install ExtJS

"Installing" ExtJS is a big word for what we are actually doing here. Just download ExtJS 4 framework and copy it to your src/main/webapp folder (maven convention ^^) of your web application.

Configure Spring MVC

Add the required maven dependencies in your pom.xml file :
Servlet and JSP 



Spring MVC 


Jackson library used by Spring MVC to map response objects to JSON.

In web.xml file, configure Spring MVC servlet : 




Add a springapp-servlet.xml application context under WEB-INF folder : 

Spring MVC Configuration is done. There are now 2 things left to do :
  • Build ExtJS GUI
  • Implement Authentication Business logic

ExtJS Authentication GUI

We'll do a very simple screen here because my current knowledge of ExtJS is quite limited (Sorry, I started  learning it a few days ago).
First, define a file structure following the architecture guidelines explained in Sencha Documentation :

This structure is made of one file app.js, app directory and 5 subfolders :
  • controller
  • model
  • store
  • view
  • data
Here are the different files.
    name: 'MyApp',
    appFolder: 'app',
    autoCreateViewport: true,
    controllers: ['AuthenticationController'],
    launch: function() {
     console.log("Launching MyApp");
Name your application the way you want, don't forget to set 'app' as folder. 
Note the use of autoCreateViewport set to "true". This will make ExtJS automatically look for view/Viewport.js file to build it's main view. 
Finally, declare the list of dependant controllers. Here we'll only use AuthenticationController. 

Ext.define('MyApp.view.Viewport', {
    extend: 'Ext.container.Viewport',
    requires: [
    layout: 'fit',
    initComponent: function() {
        this.items = {
                xtype: 'panel',
                title: 'My App',
                height: 800,
                width: '100%',
                layout: {
                    xtype: 'authBox'
Our viewport extends Ext.container.Viewport. It requires our authentication form (MyApp.view.AuthenticationForm) as we will include the latter to the main panel, using its xtype alias : "authBox".
this.callParent() is used to call parent Class constructor.

 extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
 alias: 'widget.authBox',
    title: 'Authentication Form',
    width: 250,
    fieldDefaults: {
        msgTarget: 'side',
        labelWidth: 75
    defaultType: 'textfield',
        fieldLabel: 'Login',
        name: 'login',
        fieldLabel: 'Password',
        name: 'password'
    buttons: [{
        text: 'Submit',
        text: 'Reset'
AuthenticationForm is a "form" object (Ext.form.Panel)It is made of 2 fields and 2 buttons and points to /authenticate.form URL.
We give him his alias "widget.authBox" so that we can refer to it using 'authBox' as an xtype. 
Note the action attribute added to the submit button : 'auth'. This will enable us to add a listener to this button from the controller easily.

The GUI is done. Create a jsp that will display the form :

The last file is index.jsp that simply forwards to welcome.jsp :

Let's now focus on ExtJS controller part.
Ext.define('MyApp.controller.AuthenticationController', {
    extend: '',
    init: function() {
      'authBox button[action=auth]':{
    auth: function(button) {
     var form = button.up('form').getForm();// get the basic form
        if (form.isValid()) { // make sure the form contains valid data before submitting
                success: function(form, action) {
                   Ext.Msg.alert('Success', action.result.msg);
                failure: function(form, action) {
                 var msg = action.result.msg;
                    Ext.Msg.alert('Failed', msg);
        } else { // display error alert if the data is invalid
            Ext.Msg.alert('Invalid Data', 'Please correct form errors.');

Use the 'action' attribute of the button to hook an custom function when user clicks on it. The syntax is close to CSS selectors : "authBox button[action=auth]". This literally means : "I'm interested in a button in authBox form whose action is named 'auth'". Well, that's exactly our button.

Then Specify the function that will be triggered when user clicks on it (click:this.auth).

The name of the function is auth(). It will just get the form using ExtJS API (see up/down functions), check that it's valid and finally submit values. 2 outcomes are possible : success or failure. In our tutorial we will just get the JSON response from Spring MVC and display a message that will be generated on the server side to show that everything works. In a real world application, we would probably handle navigation logic there.

Well that's it for ExtJS part. Not very complex after all when you know the javascript syntax. The last part is even easier and will prove again the power of Spring Framework.

Spring MVC authentication logic

First, define authentication business logic. Just create a class that will hold user login and password called
public class Credentials {
 private String login;
 private String password;
 public Credentials() {
 public Credentials(String login, String password) {
  this.login = login;
  this.password = password;
 public String getLogin() {
  return login;
 public void setLogin(String login) {
  this.login = login;
 public String getPassword() {
  return password;
 public void setPassword(String password) {
  this.password = password;
Then create a Service interface that will perform authentication.
public interface IAuthenticationService {
  * Authenticates a user against its credentials
  * @param userCredentials
  *            login and password
  * @return user's identity
  * @throws AuthenticationException raised if authentication failed.
 String authenticate(Credentials userCredentials) throws AuthenticationException;
Implement a simple version of this interface.
public class AuthenticationServiceMockImpl implements IAuthenticationService {
 private final static Credentials[] creds = new Credentials[] {
   new Credentials("john", "p@zzw0rd")
 public String authenticate(Credentials userCredentials) throws AuthenticationException {
  for(Credentials oneCredential : creds) {
   if(oneCredential.equals(userCredentials)) {
    return oneCredential.getLogin();
  throw new AuthenticationException("Sorry, you are not allowed to enter !");

The only thing left to implement is the server-side controller. As we saw above:
  • ExtJS form points to /authenticate.form url, 
  • *.form is handled by Spring MVC servlet
So let's define a class that will handle /authenticate requests. This can be achieved the creation of a @Controller class.
public class AuthenticationController {
 IAuthenticationService authenticationService;
 @RequestMapping(value="/authenticate", method=RequestMethod.POST)
    public @ResponseBody Map authenticate(Credentials cred, HttpSession ses) {
        Map response = new HashMap();
        try {
         String userName = authenticationService.authenticate(cred);
         response.put("success", true);
         response.put("msg", "Welcome " + userName);
        } catch(AuthenticationException e) {
         response.put("success", false);
         response.put("msg", e.getMessage());
        return response;
What else ? ;). Just map /authenticate to a java method of our @Controller and add a Credential object as parameter as well as HttpSession. The mapping is done automatically by Spring MVC. It will automatically create an instance of Credential and pass it to the method. That's all

The last thing to explain is controller response. You could see from the above code that we return a Map as a response body. Here again, Spring MVC will do magic and convert the Map as a JSON formatted response. How is it done ? In fact, 2 things enable that :
  • @ResponseBody will be interpreted thanks to declaration in our application context file.
  • Jackson dependency will be used by Spring MVC to make JSON conversions.
Finally, we can get server side response in our javascript controller : what we put in the response Map under "msg" key will be available in action.result.msg javascript variable.


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